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Konami – Yu-gi-Oh! méretű kártyavédő (50 db) – Card Back

1.790 Ft

50 db Yu-gi-Oh! méretű színes hátlapú kártyavédő. (63 mm x 89 mm külső méret)

FIGYELEM! A Yu-gi-Oh! kártyák kisebbek a standard 63,5 mm x 88 mm-es kártyáknál, így ezek a védők a standard méretű kártyákra (pl.: Magic, Flesh&Blood) nem megfelelők!



Now you can have card sleeves that protect your favorite cards from wear and tear, but look like you’re not using any card sleeves at all!
These durable, high quality sleeves are printed with the same pattern seen on the backs of your cards. Enjoy the original beauty of your cards and keep them in pristine condition, even during intense dueling!
Card sleeves come in packs of 50 sleeves each.